
6 mukhi rudraksha

Rs. 200/ US$ 5 6 mukhi rudraksha
Mantra: "Swami Kaartikeya Namah, Om Hreem Hum Namah" This Rudraksha represents God Kaartikeya. Its ruling planet is Venus. Venus governs Genital organs Throat, Valor , Sexual pleasure, Love , Music etc. Its malefic effects can cause diseases and problems in above. When invoked blesses the wearer with wisdom, increased intelligence , willpower and a steady mind. Good for managers, businessmen, executives, journalists and editors. The person who wear this Rudraksha become calm and quite like the Moon. It keeps the anger, jealousy, excitation under control in the body of the wearer. The Goddess Laxmi resides in Six Face Rudraksha therefore provides wealth and prosperity.
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