
Genei for wealth

Rs. 35000/ US$ 745 Genei for wealth
This talisman accompanied a powerful genie to help you out with improving your business and financial affairs. It helps you to acquire wealth, to be prosperous and to have abundance. If your business is facing a financial crisis or problems of bankruptcy, if you ever find yourself deep in debt, this genie will also help you out of your problems. The Wealth Genie is a specialist in this field of finances and can help to inspire you with ways in making money; it certainly helps to influence people to your advantage and to arrange for you to be offered opportunities and to help you have favourable outcomes in deals and negotiations.He also provide protection and luck in lottery and betting. The genie works under divine command--your prayers of need are submitted to the Supreme Being and the genie is assigned the task of helping you out. The genie would be your constant companion and you may sense its presence regularly--you may even see it under the right conditions. The genie associates itself with an object that it regards as "home." Usage is simple and the prayer-ritual is not too time-consuming and also can be used without ritual Suitable even for novices of the occult. Stock is limited
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